Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Balance your Environment



Unlock your present potential



Knowledge is



Find your true Essence

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Essence of Chi is a holistic lifestyle consultancy that offers a myriad of services to both private individuals and corporations who seek to exist in harmony with their surroundings and within themselves.

Fundamental to the services we provide – Feng Shui, BaZi, Life Coaching, Fragrance and Teaching – is the ancient Theory of Five Elements. For centuries, the Chinese have believed that everything within our Universe can be allocated to one of Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.

These elements coexist in an intricate relationship of constant becoming and unbecoming, both within ourselves and our environment. This system of becoming and unbecoming is governed by an invisible yet tangible life force: Chi

It is our mission to assist you in finding greater harmony and contentment in your life.

We are all part of that intricate network. Our bodies are made up of millions of cells that emit and absorb energy from the environment we live in, the food we eat, the people we encounter – these are but a few of the aspects of our lives that likewise are connected to that network. When all is in alignment, our lives are smooth, our bodies healthy and our spirit at ease.

In a world that is increasingly stressful, unstable and yet controlling, more and more individuals are becoming aware of the connection between man and nature.
